Patricio Vielva
CSIC Tenured Scientist
My research
field is cosmology.
More precisely, I work on the study of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)
and of the large scale structure of the universe (LSS).
I'm also very much interested on the application of novel data analysis
tools and image processing techniques to the study of cosmological data
sets. In particular, I have participated on some pioneering application
of wavelet-based methods to CMB and LSS data.
I am a member of the Planck collaboration. A satellite
of the European
Space Agency (ESA)
that was launched in May 2009. Planck has meassured the CMB
fluctuations at arcminute resolution and tens of microkelvin
sensitivity. My major interests in Planck are related to non-Gaussianity
analysis, the integrated
Sachs-Wolfe effect and the component
separation problem (specially focused in the recovery
of the CMB, the Sunyaev-Zeldovich
effect and the point
I am also a member of the QUIJOTE
It is a ground-base experiment devoted to measure the polarization of
the CMB. My interests on QUIJOTE
cover different aspects of data analysis: from component separation to
cosmological parameter estimation, including issues like the E/B
decomposition. QUIJOTE
was partially supported by the Exploring
the Physics Inflation (EPI) Spanish Project,
that is cooridnated by IFCA.
I am a External Collaborator of the LiteBIRD proposal made to the
JAXA space agency, to study the polarization of the CMB and, more in a
particular, the B-mode, that could support the imprint of the
primordial gravitational waves that are supposed to be generated during
the inflationary era. LiteBIRD is currently in Phase-A, and during 2018
there will be a final announcement regarding its final possible down
Last, but not least, I'm also a member of the Javalambre
- Physics of the Accelerated Universe (J-PAS).
J-PAS will cover around 8,000 squared degrees of the sky with a high
sensitivity (~ 0.5% for galaxies at z~1) to perform photometric
redshift estimation of around 15 million of LRGs.
If you are interested in learning a bit more about my research, I
invite you to have a look to the links on the right.